Couples' Ministry
The FOCIM Couples Ministry has been reactivated in 2014 to help nourish and strengthen the marital and spiritual bonds between spouses in the Church. It seeks to nurture the couple’s relationship in conformity with the teaching and admonitions in Ephesians 5:21-33.It aims to hold activities that would deepen and enrich the couples’ understanding of their Christian responsibilities toward each other, their family and their Church.
The Ministry first tried to let the spouses know each other better by taking an inventory of their religious activities as a couple. This was done during a joint couples’ Easter Sunday breakfast in Mandaluyong and after a prayer service in Quezon City. By separately answering questions sheets on the frequency of their doing an activity as a couple e.g. praying together, attending Church worship service or studying the bible together, or even saying grace at meals together, and then comparing their answers, the couples got to see the areas and activities that would enable them to fortify their spiritual bond.
To Our FOCIM Brothers and Sisters: Thank you for the privilege to be of service to the FOCIM Couples in particular, to our Church, and most especially to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Elso and Sister Vicky