Our Mandate
To be fully mature, Christ-led followers of God, equipped with spiritual gifts, able to transform and unite lives, communities, and nations.
To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to disciple men and women, to unite and transform the nations, and to equip others for kingdom building.
FOCIM in the next 25 Years
God has been an ever present help in times of trouble for FOCIM in the last 25 years. We have taken our first steps in walking the word of God. We have realized that it is important for maturity to happen if we do not allow the word of God to depart from our mouth. We have been taught that meditating on it day and night will provide us with great success and victory. We spent sometime in the mountaintop to hear God and learn from Him we returned to the valley where the battles for our faith are fought. God has given us the choice: life or death, blessing or curse and from Him, we knew what to choose. Beyond these, we have also claimed authority as priests, kings and prophets of the Living God. As priests, we have represented our families and the church itself to the Lord when we pray and intercede. As kings, it has been our mandate to rule and reign in the homes, in the church and even in the marketplace. As prophets, we have remained attentive to the Lord’s revelation as we echo this to the people of God. We have also reorganized ourselves in the last 25 years. We opted out of the pastoral mould and shifted to both apostolic— in the sense that we have been chosen to do His work and therefore this will require building the foundations of the Church and prophetic—in the sense of getting the leading from Him. A ministry team was established to ensure mutual accountability even as the final responsibility rests on the senior pastor of the Church.
What do we forsee in the next 25 years?
As a Church, we shall embark on five things:
One, we shall continue to rally the people of God to take dominion and occupy pursuant to God’s marching order in Genesis 1:26. We shall prepare our people to be the best in their respective fields brandishing the sword in time of warfare and the tools of their trade in a time of peace.
Two, we shall continue to rally the people of God to assert their kingship, their prophetic calling and their priesthood. (Revelation 5:9-10)
Three, we shall continue to rally the people of God to father their families, the church and the nation as opportunities arise. (Malachi 4:5-6)
Four, we shall continue to rally the people of God to partner with Him in establishing His kingdom from the kingdoms of this world. (Revelation 11:15)
And five, we shall continue to rally the people of God to speak life as Ezekiel was instructed by the Lord to speak life to the dry bones. (Ezekiel 37)
The thrust of FOCIM in the next 25 years is to be able to touch the heart of God and change this part of the universe. We would like to wage spiritual warfare in order to allow ourselves full access to the whole treasury of wisdom and gifts from God so that we can help transform the nation of the Philippines according to the plan and purpose of God. We should help the Philippines establish righteousness in the land. We desire to see the glory of the Lord reign all over the land (Isaiah 60:1-3). As a blessed nation of God, the Philippines shall truly be a prosperous, healthy, safe and a secured land. It shall be a Hephzibah and a Beulah of a nation!
(Isaiah 62:1-4)