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A Testimony of Finding Comfort and Rekindling Hope through Jesus Christ

Introduction (by Bro. Woods Young): Bro. Benjamin is a close friend of mine. Our friendship has spanned more than two decades as we were friends since high school. He has attended a few FOCIM Worship Sunday sessions and was also welcomed by the Luke Home Church. As a friend, I truly admire Benjamin for what he had to go through and the strength he found when he depended on the Lord Jesus Christ. Benjamin’s life will always be an inspiration for me as he managed to seek God and found hope when life did not turn out as expected. For me, he is a modern day version of the Bible character “Job”. We at the Menorah feel honored and grateful to have Benjamin as a guest writer. In this article, Bro. Benjamin shares his powerful testimony:

It has been 9 years since my brain started bleeding due to a condition called multiple symptomatic cavernous angiomas or cerebral cavernous malformations. The slow pressure and chronic bleeding has been causing numbness and weakness in my body. I have also been suffering from loss of balance, migraine, and seizure disorder. Because of this condition, my life turned full circle. The frequent hospital confinements, bleeding episodes, and seizure attacks with days of paralysis changed every aspect of my life. I’ve encountered a failed relationship and lost a career that I loved. With my finances consumed by medical bills, I have lost everything. At that moment, I started to lose myself – life became meaningless and found myself living with no purpose. That feeling of nothingness creeped up and devoured every inch of hope to be better.

Despite the lingering feeling of emptiness, I prayed unceasingly. And slowly, I became more aware of my relationship with God. I may have been emptied to be filled with renewed faith, rekindled hope, and peace. Through God’s grace, I was brought to moments and opportunities that paved the way and allowed me to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am forever grateful for being invited by Luke Home Church and having Senior Pastor Diwa Guinigundo pray for my healing.

Truth be told, my circumstance in life did not change much after having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. However, I was able to acquire a renewed mindset - one that has brought me so much peace and love. This mindset gave me strength to keep going and live a life for Him. My capabilities may be limited due to my condition, but I am definitely headed in the right direction. I look forward to walk this path and continue to grow in faith for our Lord Jesus Christ. My spiritual journey towards our Lord Jesus Christ will also bring me towards complete healing.

Life throws so many curveballs at us. But I hope no one will ever feel alone dealing with every difficult circumstance. A life that is not difficult - no pain or suffering was never promised. But it is my prayer that everyone is reminded all the time that God never forsakes us. Life is great with Him. I hope that my testimony will inspire others who are in the same situation. Always keep in mind that surrendering one’s life to the Lord is the best step towards complete healing. God is good all the time.


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