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Building the Temple While Building The Heart: FOCIM Conducts Evangelism to FOCIM Sanctuary Workers

AS WE BUILD the new FOCIM Sanctuary, we are also building the Temple of God in the hearts of our construction workers. Leading this great mandate during the construction of the FOCIM building along Mayon St. is Bro. Angel Dionisio, a longtime member of the FOCIM Ministry Team. Bro. Angel is also the head of the Storehouse Ministry and a member of MCCA (Mandaluyong Christian Churches Association). Through Bro. Angel’s passion for evangelism and love for God, he was able to touch and transform the lives of our church construction workers by sharing the Word of God. In this feature article, Bro. Angel shares details of his evangelism sessions with the church construction workers, the power of God’s Word in transforming lives for the better, and how we can become better evangelizers that will expand the Kingdom of God:

When did you start the evangelism of our new FOCIM Sanctuary construction workers? How often are the evangelism sessions? How many attendees were there? How long does a session usually last?

The evangelism of our new FOCIM Sanctuary construction workers started last September 1, 2020. Sessions were held every Tuesday (7:30 AM) and Sunday (5:00 PM). There are 50 workers in attendance and each session lasts for about 30 minutes.

How was the first evangelism session? Were the workers excited to hear the Word of God?

During the very first session, the workers seemed to be surprised and felt a bit alienated as the activity was new to them. There was some sort of resistance as they were coming from diverse religious backgrounds (Catholic, INC, Muslim, etc.). Nevertheless, I introduced myself as a servant of God and eventually connected with them. I was able to make them realize the importance of the Word of God and taught them to use it as the perfect guide and true builder of our souls.

As the evangelism progressed through the next sessions, were the workers more receptive? Did you notice any change in them as they received the Word of God?

Through proper motivation and respect to their respective religious backgrounds without strongly imposing beliefs, the workers eventually became more receptive especially when they received printed teaching materials that allowed them to review and study what they learned at home. I also observed that the workers truly respected the Word of God. Some of them actually submitted to God’s Word as they started to turn away from their vices. Praying became a daily habit for them and they experienced joy in the Lord’s presence through worship.

During the evangelism sessions, was there any personal testimony shared by a worker?

There were actually three workers (by the name of Danilo, Cocoy, and Jay) who have confided to me that they have quit their vices completely as a sign of conviction. Cocoy’s grandmother also received healing from the Lord.

Once the building of the new Sanctuary is complete, are there any plans for the workers like water baptism or becoming new members of FOCIM?

Danilo plans to undergo water baptism once our new sanctuary has been completed for he has received and accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal savior. We are also hopeful that all 50 workers would accept the Lord Jesus as their personal savior and undergo water baptism and eventually become FOCIM members.

Aside from the workers of the new FOCIM sanctuary, are there other groups of people that you evangelize even before the pandemic?

I also did evangelism for 30 policemen under the Moral and Spiritual Recovery Program as EPD Life Coach member for PNP Squadding (Police Community Precint-Mauway Mandaluyong). In addition, I am currently evangelizing two families residing in my residence condominium, the Glennie and Ebcas Family.

For those who plan on carrying God’s mandate and start their own evangelical works involving different groups of people including pre-believers, what advise can you give for them to be effective in expanding the Kingdom of God?

Evangelism can be likened to an everyday activity like driving a vehicle – knowing the gas and brake pedals are not enough. One needs training and experience to gain expertise and reach the destination safely.

Evangelism is also similar to war as it needs preparation, tools, and weapons to achieve victory. Therefore, one must first study the basic foundation of key concepts such as Salvation and Baptism. Always keep in mind that it was Jesus who initiated this ministry as he started with 12 disciples spreading Word of God’s love and today we have millions of evangelizers spread across the world. Also remember that pre-believers will always look at your life, so it is important to keep our life as a powerful testimony of God’s love. To further encourage our readers to evangelize and expand the Kingdom of God, I want to share this powerful verse from 2 Timothy 1:7 “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but give us power, love and self-discipline.” Lastly, we must develop friendship and camaraderie first before we will be able to connect to pre-believers and establish the Kingdom of God in their hearts.


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