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FOCIM Holds Echelon Webinar Series

FOCIM recently concluded its first-ever webinar series, entitled “Echelon: Flying High Together,” held every Sunday in the months of May to July 2021. The banner name for the series drew inspiration from the V-shaped formation of migratory birds that serves a dual purpose: the conservation of energy among all members and the over-all improvement of communication. The formation, because of its strategic advantages, has also been applied in modern warfare situations.

The series consisted of basic but fundamental topics meant to equip all members of FOCIM in preparation for the church’s expansion.

Sessions One (“Who are we in FOCIM”) and Two (“FOCIM as Lampstand”) – Bro. Diwa Guinigundo

The first two sessions (May 2 and 9) featured Bro. Diwa Guinigundo, who spoke on the identity of FOCIM and its members. Bro. Diwa focused on the mission and vision of the church, its core values and beliefs, which include its views on the Bible, the Trinity, salvation, and the five-fold ministry, among others. FOCIM’s specific role in nation and community building was also covered in the context of its calling as a “lampstand.”

Sessions Three (“Linking Generations: Present”) and Four (“Linking Generations: Past”) – Sis. Sophie Guerrero and Bro. Abe Guinigundo

Sessions Three (May 16) and Four (May 23) centered on the topic “Linking Generations,” both present and future. The topics were discussed separately by Sis. Sophie Guerrero and Bro. Abe Guinigundo. Sis. Sophie revisited the roots and history of FOCIM, beginning in the 1940s in Tondo, Manila and its journey up to the building of the new sanctuary along Mayon Street, Mandaluyong. Bro. Abe next discussed the significance of bridging the gap between the older and younger generations. The main idea behind linking future and present generations is the potential of the so-called finishing anointing, best demonstrated in the life of the prophet Elijah.

Session Five (“Worshipping in the Spirit”) – Sis. Roanna Santos

Session Five (May 30) was led by Sis. Roanna Santos, who introduced the members to the whys and hows of “Worshipping in the Spirit.” During the session, the members learned that worshipping in the spirit leads to the activation of spiritual gifts and the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in heaven here on earth. Sis. Roanna stressed that through praise, the Lord engages in warfare on behalf of His children to silence the enemy.

Session Six (“Kingdom and Prophetic Prayer”) – Sis. Apple Guinigundo

In Session Six (June 6), Sis. Apple Guinigundo explored the topic “Kingdom and Prophetic Prayer,” which are those prayers meant for receiving a greater measure of the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Sis. Apple explained that engaging in such prayers leads to breakthroughs and transformation. Calls to action given to the members include enlarging one’s capacity to understand God’s love and strengthening the desire to experience God’s presence in one’s life.

Session Seven (“Binding and Loosing”) – Bro. Bing Guerrero

In Session Seven (June 13), Bro. Bing Guerrero delved into the concepts of “Binding and Loosing” as used in Matthew 16:19 and 18:18. Bro. Bing defined the terms as a dual authority given by God to the Church to promote His Kingdom and fight the forces of evil that aim to hinder His ministry. He explained that binding and loosing are tools used to engage in spiritual warfare but would only work if the Church fully surrenders to God, remains mature, and realizes its authority in Christ.

Sessions Eight and Nine (“Evangelism and Discipleship”) – Bro. Daniel Guinigundo

Sessions Eight and Nine (June 27 and July 4) were led by Bro. Daniel Guinigundo. Evangelism and discipleship, according to Bro. Daniel, comprise a singular mission aimed at leading others to know Christ and to be like Christ. This mission is given to each and every Christian, which must be carried out intentionally and faithfully. His lecture, entitled “Church on a (Com)Mission,” used a Bible-based approach to emphasize the importance of living out the basic mandate of the Church.

Session Ten (“Home Churches”) – Sis. Shirley So

Session Ten (July 11) tackled the general topic of “Home Churches,” which was discussed by Sis. Shirley So. Much of the session revolved around the specific role of Home Churches in the growth of the mother church, mainly as a vehicle of fellowship, encouragement, and teaching.

Session Eleven (“Restoration”) – Sis. Hilda Lactao

Session Eleven (July 18) was taught by Sis. Hilda Lactao and revolved the key principles of “Restoration.” Sis. Hilda reminded members that God is a God of restoration and second chances, that restoration of relationship with God, with man and with the church is the responsibility of every believer. Thus, unless everyone is restored and remain in their proper mind and spirit, Christians cannot fly high together.

Session Twelve (“Church Administration”) – Sis. Marie Demafelis

The final session (July 25) was led by FOCIM’s Church Administrator, Sis. Marie Demafelis. The session was composed of brief summaries of some of the previous sessions in the particular context of church administration. Sis. Marie shared lessons from her experience and presented a practical perspective of handling the day-to-day affairs of the church, as well as shedding light on the importance of having a strong administrative support system in the operations of FOCIM.

All FOCIM members who participated in a majority of the sessions were granted a Certificate of Completion for their attendance. They were acknowledged in the Sunday Worship Service on August 1, 2021. A total of 56 members were recognized.



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